arjun@dev:~$ whoami
     ___      .______             __   __    __  .__   __.
    /   \     |   _  \           |  | |  |  |  | |  \ |  |
   /  ^  \    |  |_)  |          |  | |  |  |  | |   \|  |
  /  /_\  \   |      /     .--.  |  | |  |  |  | |  . `  |
 /  _____  \  |  |\  \----.|  `--'  | |  `--'  | |  |\   |
/__/     \__\ | _| `._____| \______/   \______/  |__| \__|


arjun@dev:~$ _
arjun@dev:/about$ man arjun

👋 Haii, I'am Arjun

I'm a software developer who loves to mix a little bit of code with a whole lot of creativity.
Think of me as your friendly neighborhood coder—except instead of slinging webs, I’m crafting websites! 👨‍💻

arjun@dev:/about$ cat education.txt
MSc Computer Science - University of Calicut (2022-2024)
BSc Computer Science - University of Calicut (2019-2022)
arjun@dev:/about$ _
arjun@dev:/skills$ ls
  •   Programming
  •   Front-End
  •   Back-End
  •   Database
  •   Tools
  •   Others
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Programming && ls)
  •   Python
  •   C
  •   Java
  •   C++
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Front-End && ls)
  •   HTML
  •   CSS
  •   Bootstrap
  •   Javascript
  •   JQuery
  •   AJAX
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Back-End && ls)
  •   Django
  •   PHP
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Database && ls)
  •   MySQL
  •   PostgreSQL
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Tools && ls)
  •   Git
  •   vim
  •   Docker
arjun@dev:/skills$ (cd Others && ls)
  •   Bash
  •   AI&ML
  •   NLP
arjun@dev:/skills$ _
arjun@dev:/services$ cat services.txt
  • Website Design
  • Web Application development
  • E-commerce Application
  • Desktop Application
arjun@dev:/services$ _
arjun@dev:/projects$ ps
56904 Integrated Portal for CSIF, University of Calicut A Web portal to apply for conducting experiments and slot allocation
56847 Kamyaka Homestay Website to book rooms in the homestay
56830 Fitness Counter Desktop Application to count exercises
56825 G4S Web Application for G4S company
arjun@dev:/projects$ _
arjun@dev:/contact$ hostnamectl
arjun@dev:/contact$ _